What ever the level of gymnast, Severn GTC is proud to offer you and your child a fun, friendly and safe environment to learn gymnastics and trampolining.

Gymnastics is one of the fastest growing sports in the UK and participation has never been higher.  It involves lots of activities children and young people love, from bouncing on trampolines to performing handstands, somersaults and finding other fun ways of moving.

But more importantly, gymnastics can help to develop great physical competencies such as motor skills like postural control and coordination providing the ability to jump, land and fall safely as well as physical attributes such as strength, flexibility and balance.

Research carried out by Sport England in 2016 identified a number of positive outcomes gained as a result of participation in gymnastics, including

  • Strong / developed fundamental movement skills
  • Risk taking and trying new things
  • Strong training ethos and disciplined approach to training
  • Positive attitude
  • Physical skills

as well as boosting concentration.

Located in Shrewsbury, we are named after the River Severn which flows through the town.  Based in our purpose built facilities on Mount Pleasant Road, we run classes for all ages – from tots aimed at infants and pre-schoolers to adult trampolining classes.

At Severn GTC we promote the enjoyment of the sport of gymnastics … whether it is for fun, fitness, competition, coaching or even as a judge.

To find out more about the classes we run, including trampoline, double mini tramp (DMT), general gymnastics, ladies and men’s artistic gymnastics and freestyle, give us a call or fill in the form and we will get back to you.

If you would like to find out more about Severn Gymnastics and Trampoline Club email on severngtc@yahoo.co.uk or call 01743 241397.