We are delighted to announce that we now have the full range of mens’ artistic apparatus in our gym! Competition standard rings and parallel bars have arrived, to complement the existing high bar and pommel horse – and there is more to come very shortly – extension rings to make it easier for the smaller gymnasts to be supported in their training, and a ‘U-Pit’ to provide a sophisticated coaching and supporting facility beneath that high bar.

Of course, the boys also make full use of the sprung floor, tumble track and vaulting facilities, complete with ‘pit’ for safe landings as new skills are introduced. Not to mention the trampolines, of course…

Lead boys coach Tony Wickham has already established an elite squad and squad reserves from amongst the more experienced boys training three times a week, and they will be entering at least two competitions this year as well as working towards completing their first club grades. With around 40 active boys in the club, including recreational (non-competitive) artistic gymnasts and new starters, we are keen to encourage even more to join our thriving gymnastic community in what is surely now the best equipped gym within 50 miles of Shrewsbury (OK, apart from Lilleshall!).

We have opportunities at present on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays for more boys to try out our favourite sport – which is, of course, ideal for developing strength and flexibility which can then be put to good use in other sporting and recreational activities. Everyone in all the groups is very friendly and they certainly enjoy the sessions, in which we work hard but which are always fun and sometimes include surprises – Tony also has a background in acrobatics and is supported by an enthusiastic coaching team full of great ideas!